Land is a
limited resource.

Planning is necessary to protect the values that sustain the quality of life of the territory.

The philanthropic initiative, promoted by David Chipperfield, seeks to connect global challenges with specific environments, establishing links between public and private agents necessary for the execution of projects aligned with the environmental, economic and social sustainability of our territory.

Activities and projects that seek to improve living environments in their relationship with the natural environment, promoting the quality of life of the local community and the preservation of the identity, cultural and environmental values of the place. With special attention to the quality of public space, heritage conservation and the reactivation of degraded areas, urban and rural regeneration projects are promoted, as well as the integration of infrastructures and the articulation of territorial mobility.

Collaborative action-research programs based on the original forms of territorial structure, community governance and management of the Galician productive landscape, which promote and support technically and economically local initiatives for the sustainable production and management of natural resources, driven by the communities themselves.

Planning and project design processes that promote a proper baukunst based on criteria of sustainability, proximity and efficiency. RIA develops preliminary documents based on the collection of field data; the participation of citizens and related agents; the analysis and diagnosis of needs and potentials; the development of global visions and strategic approaches; the definition of functional requirements and design criteria; while promoting the communication and dissemination of exemplary processes and results that serve as an example for public and private institutions.

Fundación RIA works for territorial planning following a methodology in which direct knowledge of reality is fundamental. Therefore, in addition to official statistical and cartographic sources, all our work is based on the collection of first-hand information through field visits to the places where they are developed. These visits allow us to take data and photographs, the elaboration of analytical cartographies and, above all, that the interested entities and groups take a proactive role in the planning processes.

Citizen participation, which is carried out through interviews, meetings and participatory sessions, thus becomes a relevant tool not only during the analysis and diagnosis phases but also in the proposal preparation phase, contributing to consensual decisions that have the necessary social backing to ensure their successful achievement.